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How to become a UX strategist?

Apr 17, 2023

Zeeshan Imran

How to become a UX strategist? 

If you have some understanding of the tech world, and UI and UX designers, you are probably aware of a new role emerging in this space - UX Strategist. 

Let’s talk about the main tasks that need to be considered by a UX Strategist: 

  • Development and maintenance of Product
  • Product development that is aligned with business development
  • Designing a product with a user-friendly approach

If you can develop these few skills in your UX Toolbox, you’ll become a UX strategist in no time. 

Things become hard to HIDE!

  1. Develop UX Understanding 

If you are a UX strategist, you should be able to process your design skills throughout the day. You can even draw some rough wireframes subconsciously, as you should have the experience and knowledge required to understand which design will work best for the Users and the overall business.

  1. Know and Respect Business

You need to be aware that business strategy and user experience don’t always mean the same thing. As a UX strategist, you have to be aware which aspect takes precedence, based on your skills and understanding. There will be times where the needs of the business supersede the needs of the Users, and vice versa - you have to be the judge! This is why it is always important to be realistic, reasonable, and level-headed. 

  1. Know the difference in design between Humans and Computers

A design should be created to satisfy human needs. You need to understand the design requirements and Users (their likes, dislikes, behavior, environment etc.). Being aware of your target audience is crucial and you should never just jump right into the Design Phase. Create User profiles based on your research and refer to this data when you start designing the product in order to get the best possible results.